Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Upper El Homework Due April 10, 2018 - Meal Planning

Please plan a meal for your family.  It should be something you want to eat, but also something that your other family members would enjoy.  Please include a main dish and a side dish. Dessert and salad are optional.
Check your recipes.  Make sure they will feed the right number of people.  You may need to double a recipe or cut it in half in order to have the correct amount of food.  You may need to ask an adult to help you with this planning. Write your recipes down in the quantities you will prepare.
Next, make a list of ingredients you need to get.  Make a trip to the store to see how much they will cost.  Record a cost for each item and then total up your spending.
Please turn in your recipes and your ingredient list with costs.
If you are able – please cook the meal for your family!  Send us pictures!
Optional steps to consider:
-    Make menus or invitations for your family members
-    Make place cards for each person
-    Budget and plan multiple meals
-    Dress up and serve a fancy meal for your family members

-    Take photographs and make a small book

Friday, March 23, 2018

Update 3/23/18

Hello Crow Wing Families, 

It was lovely to have time to talk with all of you last week.  Thank you for taking time to attend conferences.  And thank you to those of you that donated food to the faculty potlucks!

We are working hard to help several students get caught up before spring break.  We will have a "Read In" on the Friday before break.  Students that are caught up on work can bring in books, blankets, and pillows and can read the day away!  This allows students to have a relaxing entry into break and gives us a great deal of time to focus on students that need additional help.  

Containing mud is a constant challenge now that spring has arrived.  Please make sure your child has indoor shoes so they don't have to wear muddy boots into the classroom.  

On the Wednesday following Spring Break, April 11, we will not have early work for students.  We have a meeting to attend.  Please do not send children early - there will be no one in our room to let them in. 

We will do our math MCAs on April 16 and 17.  We have completed reading MCAs and the 5th grade science MCA.

Things We're Working On This Week:

4th Grade:
- Drafting state reports
- Explorers
- Introduction to Algebra

5th Grade
- Play writing
- Engineering
- Colonial America

6th Grade
- Cities (Imaginary Islands)
- Wrapping up research and interviews for Immigration Study
- Tibetan Immigration

Thank you for your ongoing support!  

Andrea and Cate

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

UE Homework Due 3/27/18 - Women’s History Month

Essay Options:

Interview a woman in your life that you admire.  Summarize her early life, her accomplishments, and the challenges she overcame.  Include how you know this person and what you admire about her.

Research a prominent woman in history.  Summarize her early life, her accomplishments, and the challenges she overcame.  Cite your source! Include why you chose this woman and what you admire about her.

If you would like a more challenging option: Check out the primary sources available at the National Archives website: https://www.archives.gov/research/women
There are many photographs, speeches, newspaper articles, advertisements, and pieces of art from history.  Choose a theme from the listed collections (Women in the Civil War, Women Explorers, Women in World War I) and explore the sources.  What do you notice about how women are represented? What are the jobs women did or the roles they played in the period of history represented?  How do you think women’s lives have changed between that period and now?

Essay Expectations:

Essays should be edited for basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  It is okay to ask an adult or older student to help you edit your work.  

Fourth graders should write at least 2 paragraphs, fifth graders should write at least 3 paragraphs, and sixth graders should write at least 4 paragraphs.  

Friday, March 16, 2018

Homework due 3/20/18

UE Homework Due 3/20/18 – Signs of Spring

Several students have expressed excitement about our warming daytime temperatures, but I'm busy scraping hard frost off my windshield every morning.  We've been discussing whether spring has arrived or not. To get a more specific and scientific idea of whether this is true, please chart the week's weather.

You should:

-    Record each day's high and low temperatures (minimum of 5 days)

-    Graph each on the reverse side of this page

-    Make a short note about what the weather was like that day on a separate chart/log

-    Compare it to at least one previous March's weather:

o   http://www.weather.gov/mpx/mspclimate

o   http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/climate/historical/lcd.html?loc=msp

o   http://www.almanac.com/weather/history/MN

You could also add:

-    Multiple years of comparisons, graphing each with a different colored line on your graph

-    Wind speeds for each day on a separate chart

-    Sunrise and sunset times for each day on a separate chart

Remember to label your axes, title your graph, and use different colors to mark each day's high and low temperatures.


You could research the upcoming vernal equinox.  Many cultures around the world and throughout history have marked the equinoxes with celebrations and monuments.  Describe and compare at least three of these cultural celebrations and monuments.


Graphs should be neat and well organized, drawn with a straight edge and clearly labeled.  Please ask for graph paper if you do not have any at home.

Essays should be edited for basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Fourth graders should write at least 2 paragraphs, fifth graders should write at least 3 paragraphs, and sixth graders should write at least 4 paragraphs.  

All students should cite their sources.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

MCAs rescheduled

Hi Crow Wing Families, 

We'll take our reading MCAs next Monday and Tuesday, March 12 and 13.  


Friday, March 2, 2018

MCAs start Monday

Hi Crow Wing Families, 

Our reading MCAs will be Monday and Tuesday of next week.  While we firmly believe MCAs are just a snapshot of one day and don't define us as a school community, we do take them seriously as work we are assigned to do.  Because of this, arriving on time so others are not disrupted by late arrivals and test set up is important.  It is also helpful for students to have a hearty breakfast as we won't have snack until everyone is done with testing each day.  As always, a solid night's sleep is important.  

Our MCA math test will be in April.  

If you have further questions, please let us know.  


November 2018 Crow Wing Pre-Conference Family Survey (Responses) - Invitation to edit

crowwing@greatriverschool.org has invited you to edit the following spreadsheet: November 2018 Crow Wing Pre-Conference Family Survey (Res...