Friday, February 2, 2018

update 2/2/18

Hello Crow Wing Families, 

It's hard to believe we're half way through the year!  As we enter the second semester, many children are choosing new goals for themselves in their individual conferences.  Please check in on your child's conferencing form to get an idea of what they're choosing to work towards and any late work they may be accumulating.  

Rather than celebrating Valentine's Day by buying packs of cards and candy, we'll be celebrating our community and our many friendships by creating one beautiful and sincere card or artwork of appreciation and sharing it with the community.  This will be the focus of our next homework, so please, skip the candy and Valentine's section at Target!

Our classroom linens seem to be slowly creeping away.  We ask that each child have a cloth placemat to try to limit the amount of food that ends up on our work tables and to limit the spread of illnesses.  If students don't have their own placemat, we lend them one each week.  If you've seen squares of cloth in your child's lunch box, it's likely one of our placemats.  Please encourage your kids to return the placemats to school so we continue to have enough for everyone.  

Please support your child in remembering to bring inside shoes to school.  Our carpets are showing some grime from kids wearing boots inside rather than dedicated indoor shoes.  Students can bring slippers, a pair of sneakers they don't need at home, summer sandals, or whatever footwear you feel would be best and leave them here at school.  

Things we're working on this week:

Introducing state reports, making physical and political maps
Convection cycles in the lithosphere
Logical analysis
Sharing fundamental needs work

Quality note taking for Native Peoples project
Planning final projects for Native Peoples project
Monsoons and winter dry winds
Word origins

Terrestrial Biomes
Wrapping up persuasive essays
Rise of suburbs and consumer culture
Ongoing discussion of Screenagers movie

Thank you sincerely for your ongoing support!

Andrea and Cate

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November 2018 Crow Wing Pre-Conference Family Survey (Responses) - Invitation to edit has invited you to edit the following spreadsheet: November 2018 Crow Wing Pre-Conference Family Survey (Res...